Friday, 23 January 2009

Dispose of the weapons and let’s live our lives

Life was once sweet and smooth
In everyone’s neighbourhood
When youths were all nice and cool
When there was peace between the chicks and the dudes

When children use to be happy doing their chores
When they would not be disciplined by force
It was so till a bad idea came to us
And when it came it extended like a curse

Every youth used to be delightful in one’s eyes
But nowadays they form a web of lies
Some of the good ones are merely in disguise
And now they find the need to defend themselves with knives

When the first person was killed
We hoped for a better tomorrow
But all our hopes were dismissed
When we saw the beginning of an era of sorrow

War use to be “dogs against dogs”
Fangs against fangs
But now the war is “youths against youths”
Gangs against gangs

The fight for respect and territory use to be between animals
Horns against horns
But now the battle is between us humans
Guns against guns

I wonder if some people really want a good life
But then I also wonder if the choices are theirs to decide
The pleasure of sin has captured so many minds
And made it uneasy for one to act right

The news of a dead youth makes my heart mourn
But the news of a murdered youth itches to the marrow of my bones
Respect is never earned by being vile and ruthless
Criminals and thugs always end up fruitless

No living man has power over life and death
So separate the thought of evil from yourself
Because such things one will always regret
The result of using a weapon is worse than the weapon itself

If inside your keep weapons are concealed
Then a terrible act of evil is guaranteed
To resolve a problem, one does not have to bleed
In shootings and stabbings I do not see the need

Put yourself in the shoes of your victim
Point the gun again and see if you can shoot him
Ending another man’s life is not as simple as it seems
We all have the same coloured fluid in our bloodstreams

How much time will it take you to realize
That so much is expected from the chicks and the guys
That they have to be smart and organised
And contribute to the progress of all our lives

How long will it take you to realise
That your limit is beyond the sky
That your task is to touch people’s lives
To turn a sad face to a high smile

To place happiness in people’s faces
And love them whatever their race is
To extend your good works across the earth
And to love people as much as you love yourself

We should not be hunting our fellow man
Let’s not take laws into our hands
Dispose of your guns and your knives now
And detach yourself from those fruitless gangs

Ask yourself “what has this gang done for me?”
“And what success has it made me achieve?”
In alliance with evil, success is not guaranteed
And you may spend the rest of your life paying for your deeds

Stop walking on the wrong path
Use your energy positively on the right track
And when you do, never look back
Life is forwards ever, backwards never

The energy of our bodies and minds
Should be dedicated to the people of our time
So snap and wake up from your empty dreams
It is time to arise and shine

Let us shine like fire
Not hide in the dark like cowards
Let us live long to the farthest future
Not die in the streets like fowls

Let us now concentrate on the good
Let us work hard today and be honoured tomorrow
Let us develop ourselves more
So that in the future, we shall never have to borrow.

If you are evil, then have a change of mind
And say to yourself “criminals are no friends of mine”
Do not let worthless friends waste your time
Turn to the right path and dispose your knives

The world of the youths is still so long
The distance of your journey is still so long
Turn away from crime and live a life of fun
Have a conscience and dispose of your guns

Leave the dark and come to the light
Although the decision to be good is a big fight
Firmly stand for what is right
Dispose your weapons and let us live our lives



Glynis Peters said...

This is a very descriptive piece of work. The sentiments and message are strong and clear, I enjoyed reading this,even if the topic is a sad fact of modern society.

lizzie said...

A very moving poem. You make your point very well.

Dayna said...

keep writing....the best works are about life such as you see it. well done.

Cheryl F said...

This is a wonderful poem. More of our youth(in the USA and everywhere)need to be exposed to the truth in this poem.
Mothers and fathers should read this to their children. Wake up,people, the youth of today will be our leaders of tomorrow. Hate only generates hate. Thank you for putting your thoughts and heart into this poem. YOU are on the right path.
I really liked your poem. May you be blessed in your life, now and forever.

Michele Cameron Drew said...

This is a nice piece that the masses should read. Gang violence has become so widespread these days. It's good to see you taking a stand.

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

A very heart-warming poem, and inspiring as well to avoid violent..

Geri O'Hara said...

I think this is a very moving piece of work and a strong poem in it's expressiveness.

Census said...

A wonderful piece and so relevant to life today. It is a sad reflection of our society that knifes and weapons lurk in the shadows of our everyday lives.
Thank you for sharing.

Loree said...

A very evocative poem. It captures the tragedy of the event very well.

Diane AZ said...

Powerful poem. My favorite line: "Let us now concentrate on the good."

Loribeth said...

Wow! That's very powerful. Thank you for posting your poem.

Anonymous said...

This is avery powerful poem man-you got me thinking

Anonymous said...

This is avery powerful poem man-you got me thinking

Yalonda said...

Absolutely amazing! And yes, it is such a shame that life is not valued as it once was. Too much violence is in everything around us, making death seem like an everyday thing to our new generations. If everyone could get the right views and perspectives, maybe the world would be a better place.

Anonymous said...


This is true talk...I take my hat off to you! This poem should be in a Gallery...Seriously!