Thursday, 5 February 2009

It's Snow Fun!

A wonderful snowman, created by Nick Linford, the Director of Planning and Performance at Lewisham College. It looks great in the day - and the evening too!

Sharon Muncie, Acting PAL in the School of Business and Computing saw the amazing snowman below under construction near the Ranger's Hut in Greenwich Park.

Not all Lewisham College students stay in Lewisham. Darrell Stroud, who did the Introduction to Computing course eight years ago sent in the picture below from near his home on Bodmin Moor. Darrell is now a professional e-Bay seller and is hoping to set up his own bespoke website in the near future.

Please send us your snow pics! use the submit button at the top of the home page! Thanks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pictures Nick